Creado por juancas el domingo, 3 de Julio de 2011 a la(s) 17:40
Los rituales diarios del Señor Jagannatha
Más NOTAS de Visuddha-sattva Das
Publicadas en el AÑO 2011- El pasaporte para viajar a Goloka-Vrindavan
- Los lilas manifestados (prakrta) y no-manifestados (aprakrtra) de Vrindavan-dhama
- Los animales de Vrindavana - 1º
- Los animales de Vrindavana - 2º
- Gokula y Goloka: Pasatiempos visibles (prakata-lila) e invisibles (aprakrata-lila)
- El polvo sagrado de Vrindavana y… el escenario del rasa-lila
- 3_Una historia sobre la excelencia de Vrindavana
- 2_Una historia sobre la excelencia de Vrindavana
- 1_Una historia sobre la excelencia de Vrindavana
- 1_2_La excelencia de Vrndavana-dhama (Un adelanto de mi presentación audivisual “Apreciando a Vrndavana-dhama”)
- 3_11_Continuación de la serie “Apreciando a Vrindavana-dhama”
- Sri Radhika-dhyanamrta: El néctar de la meditación en Sri Radhika - 1º
- Sri Radhika-dhyanamrta: El néctar de la meditación en Sri Radhika - 2º
- La glorificación de Sri Guru (Sri Guru-vandana-mahimamrta)
- Rasamrta-katha: La historia del collar de perlas (Mukta-carita)
- 1. Las dulces glorias de Srimati Radharani (Sri Radha-mahima-madhuri)
- 2. Las amigas de Srimati Radhika
- 3. Una oración de súplica pidiendo la misericordia de Sri Radha
- Las glorias del Radha-nama
- Glorificación de Sri Radha
- Sobre Lalita devi ó Lalita sakhi - 1ª
- Sobre Lalita devi ó Lalita sakhi - 2ª
- En el camino a Sri Vrindavan-dham 1º de Visuddha-sattva Das
- En el camino a Sri Vrindavan-dham 2º de Visuddha-sattva Das
- Visuddha-sattva Das - NOTAS VAISHNAVAS
Sri Radhika
Sri Vrindavan-dham
Los rituales diarios del Señor Jagannatha
El nombre Jagannatha significa literalmente “El Señor del Universo” (Jagat-natha). El también es conocido como Devahideva, el Señor de los Señores, y Rajadhiraj, Rey de reyes. Los rituales diarios y periódicos ejecutados en Su servicio tienen la dignidad, la opulencia y la grandeza que merece la Suprema Personalidad de Dios. Los detalles de esos rituales se describen en varios textos escritos en Sánscrito y en Oriya (la lengua que se habla en Orissa, el estado de la India donde se encuentra Jagannatha Puri, también conocido como Nilacala o Sri Ksetra-dhama). Como se aclara en la información inicial, debido a sus diferentes dificultades prácticas, generalmente no es posible llevar a cabo cada ritual en el tiempo o momento prescrito. A continuación, se dará una breve de los rituales diarios ordinarios. En algunos días y festivales especiales, se ejecutan rituales y ceremonias adicionales.
Aunque he podido traducir toda esta información importante al español, he preferido dejarla en inglés, tal cual fue recopilada para incluirla en este apéndice, dentro de la recopilación de los pasatiempos del Señor Jagannatha. Es naturalmente posible que en el futuro también traduzca esta información. (Visuddha-sattva dasa)
Dwarphita (Opening the Temple Doors)
The deity doors are usually opened at 5:00 a.m. However, during the months of Kartika (October-November) and Dhanu (Decembr-January), there are certain days on which the doors are opened between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. There need to be five sevaks (servants) on hand to perform the Dwarphita neeti (ritual). The five types of sevaks that are represented are Bhitarccha Mahapatra, Pratihari, Muduli, Akhanda Mekap and Palia Mekap. The doors are opened after Bhitarccha Mahapatra examines the seals placed on the padlocks the previous night by another sevak, known as Taliccha Mahapatra. Sometimes, due to unscheduled delays, it is not possible to do the Pahada, the closing of the temple doors after the final neeti is over for the night. When that happens, the Dwarphita cannot be done, and the Deities’ day begins with Mangala-arati.
Mangala-arati (Offering lamps)
The neeti following Dwarphita is Mangala-arati. At this time, lamps are offered to the Deities. Bhitarccha Mahapatra and two other puspalak sevaks perform the arati while standing below the ratnavedi. The Deity doors are closed after Mangala-arati.
Mailam (Removal of Badasrunghara Vesha)
At 6:00 a.m. (though this varies with the time of Mangala-arati), behind closed doors, the night clothes of the Deities are removed, along with all ornamental flowers and Tulasi leaves. The three puspalak sevaks that perform this service are Khuntia, Changada Mekap and Dhoba. After removal of Their clothes, another clean set of clothes (Tadapa and Uttariya) are put on the Deities. They are made of cotton and are designed for bathing.
Abakash (Bathing)
Between 6:00 a.m. and 6:30 a.m., rituals symbolizing the bathing and tooth brushing of the Deities take place. These rites are performed by Puspalaks, Suarbadu, Paniapat, Mukhapakhal, Khuntia, Darpania Mukhapakhal, Padhiary, Amla Ghatuary, Bhandar Mekap, Mahaboi and Khuri Nayak. Three Puspalaks perform a simple worship sitting on the floor below the ratnavedi. First, they show the Deities neem wood tooth sticks and tongue scrapers to simulate the brushing of Their teeth. Then, they mix water, yoghurt,amla, camphor and sandalwood paste together, and sprinkle it on the reflections of the Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabharda and Lady Subhadra in three brass mirrors, each about two feet high. In this way, the Deities are symbolically bathed. At the same time, the temple astrologer (Jyotisha) reads aloud various astrological details for the day.
Mailam (Changing of Veshas)
The specified time for mailam is 6:45 a.m. At that time, the Deities’ bathing clothes are removed and the Deities are dressed in the clothes They will wear for the Sahanamela, public darshan. A lamp called Akhanda Baitha is lit and maintained by a sevak called Akhanda Mekap. He makes sure the lamp continues to burn until it is extinguished at Pahada, the time the Deities are put to bed. Other savaks involved with thismailam are Puspalak, Changada Mekap, Suar Badu, Dhoba and others.
Sahanamela (Public Darshan)
The scheduled time for Sahanamela is 7:00 a.m. At this time, worshippers are allowed to go right up to the Ratnavali to have an up close and personal darshan of the Deities, free of charge. This lasts for about an hour. Although the temple’s Record of Rights outlines two times for Sahanamela each day, it is usually only observed once, at 7:00 a.m. On some days, Sahanamela is also observed after Sandhyadhupa (the evening puja). During Kartika, Sahanamela is done after Sandhyalati. Occasionally, it is held after the morning puja. When there are large festivals, Sahanamela isn’t performed at all. Sahanamela isn’t really a ritual, per se, but is held simply to allow the public a chance to see the Deities from very close up. The sevaks that assist in the Sahanamela are Puspalak, Khuntia, Mekap, Tadhau Karan, Gochhikar, Pratihari, Suarbadu and a few miscellaneous officials.
Beshalagi (Dressing the Deities)
The Deities are dressed up again between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. This time, They are dressed in various robes, depending on the season and the occasion, which are decorated with gold and precious stones.
Rosha Homa (Fire Sacrifice)
Also between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. a homa or fire sacrifice is performed in the Deities’ kitchen, prior to preparing prasad. This is a very important ritual is performed by a category of Sevaks known as Puja Panda. In the past, Deula Purohita performed the ritual. Other Sevaks involved in the Rosha Homa are Dhopakhalia and Mekap.
También entre 8:00 y 8:30 se realiza un sacrificio homa o un fuego en la cocina de las deidades, antes de preparar prasad. Esto es muy importante ritual se realiza en una categoría de Sevaks conocido como Puja Panda. En el pasado, Deula Purohita realiza el ritual. Otros Sevaks involucrados en el Rosha Homa son Dhopakhalia y Mekap.
Surya Puja (Worship of the Sun God)
Following Rosha Homa, the deity of Surya, the Sun God, in the inner enclosure near the Muktimandap is worshipped by a Puja Panda.
Dwarapala Puja (Worship of the Gatekeepers Jaya and Vijaya)
A panda Puja worships the divine gatekeepers at the Jaya Vijaya gate in the main temple.
Gopal Ballav Bhoga (Breakfast)
Bhoga (food) is offered to the Deities at 9:00 a.m. The offering consists of Khai (sweetened popcorn), Khua Laddus (a grain based sweet), Kora (a coconut sweet), bananas, yoghurt, chipped coconut, and so on. The offerings are made just outside the Kalahat door at a place called Anasara Pindi. It is performed by three Puja Pandas with five Upacharas. Other Sevaks associated with this ritual are Sudu Suar, Ballav Jogania, Suar Badu, Patri Badu, Palia Mahasuar, Pradhani and a few others.
Sakal Dhupa (Mid-morning offering of food)
The Deities are offered bhoga, called Raja Bhoga or Kotha Bhoga, each day at 10:00 a.m. The term Raja Bhoga comes from the time when the Raja Superintendent of the temple paid for the bhoga. Nowadays, it is paid for by the temple administration. After the bhoga is offered to the Deities, it becomes Mahaprasad and is distributed as Khei (dues) to that day’s sevaks.
The bhoga consists of Kanika (a rice dish), Khechudi (Kichari) (a rice and dal dish), dal, different spiced vegetable preparations, greens, small cakes, and so on. Local names for the bhoga are pithapuli, hanshkeli, kanti, enduri, mathapuli, kakatua jhili, bundia, alo kadali bhajia, ada panchedi (ginger tonic), and so on.
Several categories of sevaks are engaged in these rituals, including Puja Panda, Suarbadu, Paniapata, Pradhani, Pratihari, Palia Mahasuar,Pantibadu, Garabadu, Rosha Paika, Palia Mekap, Palia Khuntia, Hadap Naik, Bidia Jogania, Sudu Suar, Gochhikar, Dakhinighar Pratihari, Ghantua, Vaijayantri and Dhukididwar Pratihari. After Bhoga Puja, brightly flickering lamps are offered to the Deities.
There are seven Deities on the Ratnavedi. Lord Balabhadra is worshipped by one Puja Panda, and Lady Subhadra by another. The Puja panda that worships Lord Jagannath also worships Sri Devi and Bhu Devi (his wives) and Sudarshan. Nilamadhava isn’t worshipped separately since He is considered to be identical with Lord Jagannath.
The Pandas also perform the puja for the bhoga using sixteen Upacharas, which are listed below.
Varias categorías de sevaks se dedican a estos rituales, incluyendo Puja Panda, Suarbadu, Paniapata, Pradhani, Pratihari, Palia Mahasuar, Pantibadu, Garabadu, Rosha Paika, Palia Mekap, Palia Khuntia, Hadap Naik, Bidia Jogania, Sudu Suar, Gochhikar, Dakhinighar Pratihari, Ghantua, Vaijayantri y Dhukididwar Pratihari. Después Bhoga Puja, Lámparas brillantes parpadeantes se ofrecen a las divinidades.
Hay siete deidades en el Ratnavedi. El Señor Balabhadra es adorado por una Puja Panda y Dama Subhadra por otro. El panda de Puja que adora al Señor Jagannath también se adora a Sri Devi y Bhu Devi (sus esposas) y Sudarshan. Nilamadhava no es adorado por separado ya que es considerado que es idéntico con el Señor Jagannath.
Los Pandas también realizan la puja para el bhoga usando dieciséis Upacharas, que se enumeran a continuación.
The 16 Upacharas
- Asana (a seat)
- Swagata (welcome)
- Padya (water for washing the feet)
- Arghya (offering of a flower, sandalwood paste, etc.)
- Achamana (water to be sipped)
- Madhuparka (honey, ghee, milk and yoghurt offered in a silver or brass vessel)
- Achamana
- Snana (bathing)
- Bastri (cloth)
- Avarana (jewels)
- Gandha (scent and sandalwood paste)
- Pushpa (flower)
- Dhupa (incense sticks)
- Dinpa (lamp)
- Naivedya (food)
- Vandana (namaskar or prayer)
The 16 Upacharas
- Asana (un asiento)
- Swagata (Bienvenida)
- Padya (agua para lavar los pies)
- Arghya (ofrenda de flores, pasta de sándalo, etc.).
- Achamana (agua para beber)
- Madhuparka (miel, ghee, leche y yogurt en un recipiente de plata o bronce)
- Achamana
- Snana (baño)
- Bastri (paño)
- Avarana (joyas)
- Gandha (olor y pasta de sándalo)
- Pushpa (flor)
- Dhupa (incense en barilla)
- Dinpa (lámpara, velas)
- Naivedya (comida)
- Vandana (namaskar u oración)
Maila Mandap and Bhoga Mandap Puja (Late Morning Offering)
At 11:00 a.m. the Deities’ clothing is changed again, and puja occurs behind the Garuda column in the jagamohan at a location called the Bhiga Mandap. Enormous quantities of bhoga like rice, dal, curries, cakes, etc. are offered to the Deities. The Puja Pandas perform the puja using just five of the upacharas, Ghanda, Pushpa, Dhupa, Deepa and Naivedya. This bhoga is prepared to meet the needs of different maths (monasteries) and to be sold to the public as mahaprasad. Sometimes, Bhoga Mandap Puja is performed two or three times a day (after the afternoon dhupa and evening dhupa) when the mahaprasad needs of pilgrims are greater than usual. Some of the sevaks that perform this ritual are the Puja Panda, Mahasuar, Suar, Changada Mekap, Palia Mekap, Palia Pushpalak, Bhoga Mandap Pratihari, Suarabadu, Khuntia and Patribadu.
Madhyahna Dhupa (Afternoon Offering)
Between 12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. bhoga is offered in the Pakharia (near Ratnavedi). The worship is performed by three Puja Pandas with 16 upacharas, the same as the Morning Dhupa. The bhoga consists of more items than in the morning, including, but not limited to rice, curries, soup, sweets and different kinds of cakes. Besides the Puja Panda, there are several other categories of sevaks are engaged in these rituals, including Suarbadu, Paniapata, Pradhani, Pratihari, Palia Mahasuar, Pantibadu, Garabadu, Rosha Paika, Palia Mekap, Palia Khuntia, Hadap Naik, Bidia Jogania, Sudu Suar, Gochhikar, Dakhinighar Pratihari, Ghantua, Vaijayantri and Dhukididwar Pratihari. After Bhoga Puja, brightly flickering lamps are offered to the Deities.
Madhyahna Pahuda (Afternoon Nap)
In the early afternoon, between 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m., when all the other rituals have been performed on time, the Deities are left alone for an afternoon nap. The Kalahat, Jaya-Vijaya and Beherana (south gate) doors of the main temple are closed.
Sandhya Arati (Afternoon Offering)
After the doors are opened at about 4:00 p.m., the evening arati or lamp offering, is made to the Deities. If there isn’t an afternoon pahuda, this arati is performed after Madhyana Dhupa and after changing the Deities’ clothes. On Ekadasis, the Deities’ clothing is changed immediately after this arati.
Sandhya Dhupa (Evening Puja)
Between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. more bhoga is offered, and the worship is conducted using the same 16upacharas and methods as Sakal Dhupa and Madhyahna Dhupa. The bhoga consists of pakhal (watered rice), cakes like puli, amalu, and shankara.
Jaya Mangala-arati
Immediately after Sandhya Dhupa, another arati is performed
Mailam and Chandanlagi
After Jaya Mangala-arati, Sahanamela (public darshan) can be held. Following Sahanamela (or just after Jaya Mangala-arati), the Deities’ clothes are changed and They are anointed with a mixture of sandalwood paste, camphor Keshar and Kasturi. This is done by the Puspalak sevaks. The other categories of sevaks that participate in this ritual are Suarbadu, Ghatuary, Muduli, Palia Mekap, Palia Padhiary, Garabadu, Hadap Naik and Palia Khuntia.
Badasinghar Dhupa (Nightime Puja)
The last bhoga of the day is offered at 11:15 p.m. The Puja Pandas worship the Deities with fiveupacharas, sitting on the floor, below the ratnavedi. The quantity of the bhoga is fairly small. Items like pakhal (watered rice), kadalibada, kshiri and kanji.
Khata Sejalagi and Pahuda (Putting the Deities to Bed)
Between 11:45 and 12:00 midnight, the Deities beds are nicely arranged. The Puspalaks carry the deity of Sayan Thakur (a metal image of Purusha and Prakriti or Loed Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi in the same body) from Bhandarghar to the ratnavedi, and place it near Lord Jaganath. Then, there is an offering of green coconuts, betel leaves and a camphor arati lamp. After that, Sayan Thakur is taken to the Jaya-Vijaya door and offered green coconuts, betel leaves, flowers and a camphor lamp. The Deity is taken to the bedside of Lord Jagannath, and then back to Bhandarghar.
__________OM TAT SAT
Las murtis de Sri Puri-dhama
La playa de Puri al atardecer (Foto de Visuddha-sattva das)
El Sol cae en la playa de Puri (Foto de Visuddha-sattva das)
Rueda talada en piedra en una casa en Puri (Foto de Visuddha-sattva das)
Murtis en brocado de filigrana de las Deidades
Una réplica de los carros de Jaganatha Puri

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- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO V - miércoles 18 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VI - sábado 21 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VII - martes 24 de enero de 2012
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La Bíblia
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- El Mundo Bíblico 2 - martes 3 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
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- El Mundo Bíblico 4 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 5 - martes 21 de febrero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 6 - miércoles 22 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia I - lunes 20 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia II - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011


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